Karene Arundell

I can only assume that the people who didn't like Skyler were quiet out of fear, because trust me, we're out there. I actually stopped watching Breaking Bad the first time around BECAUSE of Skylar. When someone asked me what I disliked about her, I said, "I don't know, when she's on screen it is literally like some

Um, seriously?! That's ridiculous. Season 1 I saw last year and my memory isn't 100% accurate, but I remember knowing Beverly would die before she did. I think I recall she had discovered who Hannibal is, which is the quickest way to becoming Hannibal's next victim. It's just common sense. It doesn't matter what sort

Yeah, you find yourself rooting for Mason to find Hannibal and bring him down.

Can I ask which season you preferred most? As a binge-watcher, you have all the seasons fresh in your mind.

I don't think it's because he's a gay man - I thought the scene was well done and didn't objectify women, actually. But I did think it was odd that two characters who'd had little to do with each other would suddenly shack up. I felt it was done more so to speed up our knowledge that Margot and Alana are working

Were Hannibal and Bedelia having sex, though? I was a bit surprised when she kissed him, because it's the only sign of anything romantic between them. (Hannibal: "It's not that kind of party." Bedelia: "It really isn't." - Made me wonder whether they were sexually intimate at all.)

Ha ha, too true about Dexter. I think I only waded my way through the last season because the jokes about the show here on the AV Club forums were hilarious. (La Guerta dies and they give her a plaque on a public bench. Public Bench then bumped up as best actor in the show.)

I can see Alana being blind to Hannibal's nature if it involved a) her being seriously "in love" or b) their relationship surviving in a vacuum, but it didn't feel like all-blinding love and she had both Will and Jack warning her about Hannibal … well, it made it a bit too unbelievable to me. It would have been more

THIS. Yes, yes, yes. I didn't like that Alana's character seemed so lovey-dovey and earnest-faced, like someone who seems to have no real world experience or intelligence. (And I think we were supposed to find her intelligent.) Her moral scolding was particularly annoying since it was misplaced and continual. To have

I just thought, "that's an awful long shot of the table". And I thought, "don't be hiding under the table!" because it was slightly amusing to imagine Hannibal crouching underneath in his always-perfect clothes.

You explained it better than I did: it felt inconsistent.

It's hard to say whether it's very different, because in terms of what action you see it's quite similar. What's made clearer is the stuff in the background: Drogon is also responding to Dany's deep state of depression when he arrives, and this moment is a defining one in terms of her realizing she hasn't given her

It does make sense.

I haven't read the books in ages and forgot that Margot was raped by Mason. I totally get why they left that out. Urgh.

Yeah, Homeland went downhill very quickly. We didn't need to constantly hear about Carrie's feelings for Brody, because their chemistry was obvious.

What a coincidence, I'm in Florence and just took a handgun off a dying man who warned me that Hannibal is-

Oh yeah.

Yeah, the good thing about season 1 was that the artsy stag and blood imagery served a plot purpose. This season, I think the first episode had about 6-7 cuts to blood-as-water for no reason, except arguably in one case (when Bedelia is watching water drip from the bath tap). I was also annoyed that Will discovered

I like your two cents.

I agree. (I'm female by the way.) While there was criticism of Alana not being a strong female character in the first two series, this criticism should have read that Alana was a "weakly written character without layers" rather than a "weak female character". The issue with that character shouldn't rely on her being