I realize, under the law, the violation could be anything. I’m just assuming he’ll rape again since he pretty much got away with this one.
I realize, under the law, the violation could be anything. I’m just assuming he’ll rape again since he pretty much got away with this one.
My first thought too. He’s definitely tweaking his nip.
“If I or any other judge sees you on a probation violation, I have almost no doubt you are going to prison...So if you think in any way you are getting off lightly, you are not.”
My sister is gay. My other sister is an evangelical. The fundie had the same problem telling her kids. She wanted her kids to be old enough to understand what the Bible says about homosexuality. I suspect Nick has some homophobia associated with his issues around talking to his kids.
Really? I thought it looked plenty puffy and, I’m guessing, they used an older photo when he had longer hair. Did I mention I believe to him to be the person on the right?
The GOP couldn’t control George W Bush. How in the world did they ever think they would be able to control Trump?!
TV is fine while working out. You just have to stick to shows like Arrested Development and Broad City.
March of....
Awkward silence punctuated by the thong song ringtone on Jr’s phone.
Yea, she’s a global ambassador for PSI. This is part of getting information out for those campaigns. Getting information out brings more funding in. Should she have listed the names of everyone in the photos so they were seen as actual people and not “African props”? Sure, but she gets a pass from me for the work and…
Beautiful and courageous, women. The perfect counter to Mr. Drumpf.
These days?
The one is the back is the one who tortured a dog. He’s the one you really need to worry about.
French Montana sounded as tired as he always looks.
You must not watch a lot of reality TV.