
I don’t understand why people get down on her because of the crafted why she appears in interviews and if her answers were rehearsed. Of course they are. If I knew people were going to pick apart ever sentence, word, minutiae that came out of my mouth, then hell yes I would rehearse that shit and make sure I was

Just last night, while watching sports highlights on TSN, the two female anchors were making fun of a basketball player’s mustache.

Oh AllieCat. I can’t believe you even said that. You never use the “loaned” hoods. Headlice. Hello!!

I don’t, but I can’t answer for her wife.

Uh, think you mean “baadh”.

Now playing

Not sure which version of jock jams you were looking at (#198?) but these are the best:

Ditty gonna be, oh, behind iron bars,

“I’m so monogamous it’s stupid.”

You don’t? Gosh, I started carrying around an anvil, carburetor, and a douche at about 12. Got me out of a jam or two.

OMG, even in CANADA!! Honestly, this isn’t a race to the bottom. It should be covered in Canadian plans too. You should start fighting for it.

I picture them all trying to give her the ugliest character but then she fucks it up by being stunning. I mean, I don’t remember Catherine of Aragon looking like that in my history books.

From Newsmax (so take it with as large a grain of salt as you think it deserves), people who like Drumpf have some the following things in common:

This is how I picture the SCOTUS men asking questions on contraception:

Just want to say....that it’s unfortunate that way things end up. I felt truly that a woman gave me a home and a place to get my mind right

Hey Donald, Cher don’t give a fuck!

Take Bachelor contestant Caila Quinn. She has 205,000 followers—a big deal to you or me—but not enough to guarantee a spot in her followers’ feed.

Bahahahaha. Go home, you’re drunk.

That’s officer clumsy. His partner, officer slow, pulls up on the left.