Here are 10 Fortune 500 companies that are all based in Missouri. We should start contacting them.
Here are 10 Fortune 500 companies that are all based in Missouri. We should start contacting them.
Good for you, Dorothy! I actually live in Seattle, and I just voted yes to raising our property taxes (and I’m a homeowner so this directly affects me) to put more money into our schools. To me, it just makes sense.
You must be fun at parties.
Were you never a child?
The entire rest of the world figured it out. It shouldn’t be that difficult.
Not to coop your comment, but it would be interesting to look at the healthcare cost savings that I assume would arise once we stopped forcing women who just created another human back to work or force newborn infants with young immune systems into daycare too early. If we could make that argument, then maybe the…
Dear fellow Americans,
I also enjoyed her calling out of NARAL during that episode. The guy from Texas was an ass and exactly what I thought he would be like. However, I was EXTREMELY disappointed and shocked by the head of NARAL and her complete lack of “fight” and direction to help oppose these bills.
Maybe steer clear of calling people skanky?
No idea. Aside from hurting the stockings, it is also disgusting, but I don’t see them stopping any time soon.
FYI - I know several flight attendants that use hotel coffee machines to wash their stockings. Probably best to steer clear of those in your hotel room.
I’ve tried to make the same point before, and it doesn’t tend to go over well with this crowd. However, I wholeheartedly agree. There have been a bunch of people that had sex tapes and famous families and couldn’t turn it into the brand and empire that the Kardashian clan has. I, personally, don’t care about them…
Please don’t try to take my side. I don’t need your help. By the way, based on that comment, you’re a raging asshole.
Now, I have to keep track of which person hates the kardashians the most?!?
How is saying that Kim Kardashian is often photographed naked slut shaming? Honestly asking.
I wish someone would put RGB’s head on Beyonce’s body in the “I slay” part of Formation. RGB deserves it!
Not going to lie, I have some serious lady wood after reading about these amazing women taking down the arrogant and condescending solicitor general from Texas.
If you haven’t already seen it, Netflix (and I’m sure other places) has an awesome Nina Simone documentary called, What happened, Nina Simone? It was made with the blessing of Miss Simone’s family, and it is fantastic.