

“No issue is more deserving of our undivided attention than protecting the dignity of human life,” said full committee Vice Chairman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN).”

That dog looks like pillow stuffing.

I’d watch that for the musical performances.

The Curious Case of Roland Emmerich


the bottom of a scrum

Thanks for giving me your resume. If you can’t tell, I’m definitely super impressed.

Too bad they couldn’t have taught you some manners.

Wow, that really seemed to get under your skin. Issues with people who smoke pot, huh? Well it still would have been polite to answer my question, but I guess you’re not very polite. I’m sure your parents are proud.

Sure hoping this happens between South Carolina and Georgia today.

I don’t get what you mean by

It would be as if the University of Alaska’s football team beat the Patriots. It just doesn’t happen.

I’m going to politely agree to disagree on this one. Yes, we need democrats to get out and vote in all elections. This is why I believe election day should be a national holiday, and I also believe in compulsory voting. However, I don’t believe these people are actually representing their constituency, as a whole. I

No one knows. There is no reason. He would also play with her lips while she was speaking. It was like he was a toddler. So weird. So, so weird.

Maybe they decided to fabric the story together?

Joy Behar should be embarrassed she’s still on that abomination of a show.

Trump may actually be the best thing to happen to this country. He might be the one thing to unit the democrats and the Rhinos. A common enemy.

Yup, I think people forget about the non-white Catholics and so they picture old, white dudes and assume republican. No worries. Hope you had a nice dinner!