Yea, it’s the blatant lies that get me. This dickhead knows life doesn’t begin at conception and all that other nonsense. He’s purely pandering and they’re gobbling it up like tickets to a execution.
Yea, it’s the blatant lies that get me. This dickhead knows life doesn’t begin at conception and all that other nonsense. He’s purely pandering and they’re gobbling it up like tickets to a execution.
How long did the last investigation of PP take during the Reagan years when they last pulled this shit? Because if they could somehow cram the investigation in now before the shutdown fight this will all be a moot point.
And he’s (technically) a doctor.
Or possibly mom=publicist.
I love that the most awkward one in the Schumer photos is JLaw.
Having lived in this part of the world and been to many of these parks, the research groups like WildCru are the best way to help these animals. Hwange National Park is 14,500 sq kms and borders Botswana. It is not feasible to have enough rangers to be able to monitor the entire park 24/7. Learning about the animals,…
Absolutely. It doesn’t help our cause in anyway when people do that stuff.
To be fair, that isn’t just feminist, liberals, social warriors though. Using hyperbole to try to make a point is, sadly, a human trait. (See: Mike Huckabee’s comments on the Holocaust)
That organization he mentioned is one of the organizations contributing to conservation efforts in Zimbabwe. They were the organization that was tracking Cecil and helped find his carcass, through the GPS tag, after he was killed. They are scientists from Oxford but their research takes place in Zimbabwe.
I bet he got it from his son.
So how was this 4th video released today?
Oh I was never commenting on the validity of the question. I just don’t get where Rousey is coming from with those comments.
True, but I don’t really think Rousey is worried about the advantage. I think Rousey thinks she can beat any woman (cis or trans) and some men with one arm tied behind her back. This is why I don’t understand why she even weighed in on the trans issue. It makes her sound like she is afraid Fox will have an advantage…
You want non-partisan (although from your comment you don’t really sound like you do) try Al Jazeera:…
Right. That’s the part I don’t understand. While Fox is obviously good, Rousey is in a league of her own. Why not just fight Fox, kick her ass, and don’t worry about the whole trans issue. I can’t imagine Ronda is worried she is going to lose, so....
Still think this was Applegate’s best work:
If anyone wants to do something positive to help the lions in Zimbabwe, you could consider contributing to the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit which was the group studying Cecil. Their website has information on him as well as a place to donate at the bottom.