
Looking forward to this.  I hope Tony Todd makes an appearance!

Ummmm...who’s that lady on the right?

No, the best part is what came BEFORE.

“Can we get ‘Gone With the Wind’ back, please?”

That Clifton Powell Award should have been a tie between CP and Keith David. Literally, EVERY black person KNOWS who Keith David is but NOBODY can tell you his name. AAnd he’s been in a gazillion movies. He will forever be known as “That Black dude from Dead Presidents.”

I’m glad the Bryant family got to mourn in private.

I’ve always given Snoop the side-eye. My belief is that men who go out of their way to defend sexual predators and misogynists are hiding some secrets in their closet.

-Having daughters doesn’t mean you’re not a misogynist.

I bet he would never talk about Martha Stewart like that.

Bottom line, Snoop was WAY out of line. That shit was uncalled for, big time. I bet he would never talk about Martha Stewart like that.

I give up. Hoteps are triggering af. They suck all the oxygen out of safe spaces, their ‘good’ brethren hardly ever come to collect them and black women are left like yesterday’s trash to gather ourselves up from constant attack. 

And seriously, at what point do 40+ year old men start speaking like adults? If he had spoken to her like that in person, he would’ve been arrested. Promptly. Snoop needs to grow the fuck up.

You might want to see a doctor, it seems like you suffer from a particularly severe case of whataboutism

Is that the one where the prize was plastic surgery? 

So good. Thoughtful and without much closure, which just feels appropriate given the situation. Dude was a whole, messy person: no way someone this big could be without complication.

thanks homie!

I love you, friend. This was good. 

Folks erased that years ago. He will go down in history as a legend and if you bring up that he was a rapist, you will be the bad guy.

Just a reminder that Kobe Bryant probably raped a woman.

The most important parts of a Tyler Perry movie: