Anyone remember Tawana Brawley?
Anyone remember Tawana Brawley?
Che is such a disappointing character, and they really could’ve been great for the show. There are so many amazing LBGTQIA+ comedians out there who could’ve contributed great material for Che’s standup (seeing Che end their set with a lame dad joke two weeks ago was painful), but it’s like the writers of this show…
What a nerd. My wife looked hot as hell when we went to see The Cure last week & I hope every person we walked by noticed.
(Realizes reading comprehension mistake. Tries to delete misinformed post to save face... gets Kinja’d.)
Children’s books aren’t typically that lucrative. She’s just a sociopath.
lifetime movie prompt
Fucking hell. I feel bad for her kids - father dead, mother a murderous psycho who killed him so she could profit from his death.
Me, an American, wanting to make a joke about titular heads of government stealing artifacts from around the world, but realizing that I am an American...
I’m most interested in seeing the mistress and Kate in the same room.
Eels are delicious fish, many millions of people around the world agree with me.
Well, she was interfering with the other’s patron’s experience of the installation (of which quiet was a part of the intended experience). By your own logic, where does she get off coming in to the exhibit and interfering with their experience of it by laughing?
“Except if I’m in Africa, where it’s the custom for everybody to refer to anyone older as ‘Sister’ or ‘Auntie,’ depending on the age difference. And there, no one refers to anyone older by their first name out of respect.”
Neither could he apparently.
I love this kind of event/gossip because it’s low-stakes in the grand scheme of life. But literally, I have not heard a whisper of a bad word about Ariana and she’s done her ‘job’ of “reality star” while being kind of in on the joke and not taking herself *too* seriously (even though she does take ‘sketch comedy very…
I can’t even differentiate between these two women.
He then said “Don’t fight in front of White people.” which basically makes all those people saying violence for words is never acceptable look dumb. He only had a problem with time and place.
“It’s not about condoning violence”
Then you shouldn’t be.
Girl, bye. Life’s too short. I value my time.