I hope the baby comes out with a big, curly red afro. lol
I hope the baby comes out with a big, curly red afro. lol
I find Trevor Noah’s parody/imitation of Ben Carson strangely soothing and calming. Someone should take all of those clips and make a meditation video. I.... listen...to..his... voice.... And... I’m sorry, what was I saying?
I had to scroll back up & look at him again, b/c that face just immediately leaves my brain synapses. He’s the human embodiment of mashed potatoes without gravy.
I think this guy might be the most generic white guy i have ever seen.
I’m not giving Fukunago 100% of the credit, Pizzolato did write the whole thing. That turn half way through, where you start to wonder if there might be something legitimately supernatural at work, was an absolute stunner. No way season two would have lived up to that, with or without Fukunago. It still would have…
You have to watch True Detective season 1. Avoid season 2 like the plague, but season one is high art and fucking dope.
She looks like the leader of the craziest UFO cult ever. I'm surprised she didn't try a little necromancy and summon Aretha's spirit to tell us how happy she was to have inspired Madonna.
In the way she nicknames a black man—a full-grown, sentient human being—“Swag” rather than addressing him by his name because it so happens to be her father’s. (What, were “Dope” and “Wavy” already used?)
Overheard at the 1998 Grammys:
Michael Jackson had more talent in his toenails, than Sam Smith will ever have..so no.
#11. What political party does she belong to and supports? Who did she vote for in 2016?
The trailer gave me chills. But that may have been Baldwin’s narration. The tone of the book looks spot on.
That was disgusting. The backlash regarding this should have been more severe.
This week also marked the 7 year anniversary of Amy Winehouse’s death, who was relentlessly mocked by the media and the public alike on a daily basis until the day she died. It was so disgusting. Demi Lovato doesn’t look or act like the stereotypical “mess,” so I think that’s why people haven’t publicly made fun of…
Well written review. Still won’t leave my couch to see it but certainly will tell others about this review.
“...there will never, ever, eva be another voice that will come close to Whitney Houston.”
Is there anyone more #AgeGoals than Angela Bassett? Twenty-five years after famously sculpting her body into…
Jamie Foxx often plays villains in the movies he appears in but in the new version of Robin Hood what is bad is good.
Move over, T’Challa, there’s a new ruler in town. Marvel Comics has just revealed that it will launch a new…