*Insert Eddie Murphy laugh*
Bitch, please.
Nope, nope, and FUCK NO!!!
I’m sorry but who the fuck are those people with Paul “Out For Selfer” Hollywood? #really
“Because you’re giving them too much power—you’re giving them God’s power. I gave him way too much..” #PreachMJ
#Amen Queen!
Ooo! I have one. Donald Trump: The shitter who’s on Twitter while on the shitter...
President Donald Trump, a thousand sausages held together with duct tape, sure loves to tweet.
God Bless you, Brother. Thank you for sharing.
I know, right?
Cousin It’s wife, Aunt What?
Bring back Barb! AS BARB!!
Ok. What kind of Joseline Hernandez-wannabee, Love and Hip Hop, kind of mess is this? I mean damn it looks like it was filmed at the Bachelor Mansion.
That’s right, my Sister! Hell, I’ll sit my fat ass on him too! Crush that asshole!
DJT proudly introduces Fembot First Lady.
Girl, please! #girlbye
Wow! Preach Baby Preach! #wellsaid
Ok. that’s hilarious!