Karen Baird

Alfred Hitchcock-like!

It was Saul's reflection in the window glass against the dark outside.

It's called "built-in obsolescence".

Albuquerque is a retirement haven. Many retirees attend trials as a form of free entertainment.

It'll never happen.

Tasneem has a gotch eye. Very distracting!

No, we didn't. Her face was covered with her wretchedly stringy hair.

Carrie's smile seemed to me to be that of a proud mother. Sick!

Yes, it was offensive for Carrie to be banging a kid, but at least he'll know what to do with his 72 virgins when he gets to wherever dead Moslems go. (Does it have a name?)

Surely to God she had her tubes tied when Franny was born!

It was strongly suggested by the boy's girlfriend that they had had sex in the past. She said she wanted to be - was it "alone" - with him.

My biggest laugh was when the prayer call sounded and that's the point at which he asked to touch her again.