
MLB instructed the home team to wear alternate jerseys so the president is the only obvious white national in the stadium.

Mean Moms would be a good movie because you grow up and get out of high school, and you think the mean girl shit is over, then you have a baby. And holy shit, you realize the mean girls never grew up. Except now they are insinuating that you're poisoning your baby by using formula.

I don’t really have skin in the autoplay video game - I keep the media volume permanently on mute on my phone because I know there’s shit out there trying to catch me out no matter which site I’m on (even the non-porn ones). But seriously, I’ve seen sooo many complaints about it. Please can you sort it out before more

I believe this is why her statement is worded the way it is—she is trying to let people know that she can’t speak her mind for fear of losing custody of her children.

She divorced him, people shouldnt be asking her about this. She isn’t required to have an opinion on her ex -husbands criminal behavior. 

*Eleanor & Chidi or Eleaner & Michael

Oh, they’ve seen women before, just not as human beings.

... Aaah, but what will *really* bake your noodle later is, like, where the fuck are these people coming from, the ones who think that - because someone made a Michelle Williams joke that went over their heads - this article must have been linked in ‘Deadspin or something’ ...

My mind’s tongue immediately got fat.

*Closes laptop thoughtfully, wipes away a tear, considers life for a moment, reopens laptop, types away furiously*

Semen Storage Blows Its Load

Girl aged a year waiting at airport?

WTF @ your comment? I’m sure she’s having a blast! I’m 34. I was cute in 2003. I’m cute now. I’m just about to get divorced and get back to dating. I don’t find it “sad,” I find it cool that I was able to leave an abusive douche bag behind and put my hot ass back on the market for some good guy to snatch up. Maybe you

this Jordin versus Bird debate much better than the last one

I honestly didn’t think you could keep up all those puns furlong. 

I wonder how they could Justfy these actions. I would hope they get more than a Citation from the Secretariat responsible. This type of Assault on horse racing ethics cannot be Affirmed.

Sure, September 11th.  Probably no one will do or say anything disgusting on that specific day.

Whatever. I convert toxins to a painkiller every single night right around the time I’ve hit my 7th Rainier tall boy. 

Seriously, you should. No, the talent is not NBA level, but it's on par with college basketball. Plus it's the only basketball available right now. Games are often on NBA tv if you get that. Unfortunately, my girls Sue Bird and Brianna Stewart are out for the season, but Sue is spending the season as a coach for the

counterpoint: don’t!! we left these in the 90s and they need to stay there.