
In this case, yourself is one with "the lord" so you kind of have confidence in yourself but you understand that it's because your better part of yourself is at play and in accordance to the precepts of god.

If you had been immersed in a Christian environment for a long time (I was) you'd understand this. It makes sense. In a very roundabout way it makes sense.

You know, after all these years I had never actually clicked on an article or picture of the Duggars. She's pretty.

yeah, a bad cold/flu set of days will be very uncomfortable here but it can mean death in underdeveloped countries due to malnutrition, vomiting, dehydration, etc.

yes! this is what I am talking about. It's not that I am conflating high fashion with the wire hanger look. There's just something about the face, bone structure, etc. But because I am not well versed in this I don't have the vocabulary to explain what I am thinking.

Maybe I am undereducated on this topic, it just seems to me that plus size models don't have that high fashion look (besides Renn). And they tend to be styled with MUCH more makeup.

oh I forgot yogurt has probiotics! What a good excuse to be lazy about dinner with my child. "Here kid, have some yogurt, oats, and fruit. I am just looking out for your health!"

thongs. I think we get thongs. And eyeliner.

what? that hardly looks like her.

I love you LaComtesse.

TAKE priobiotics! My stomach was a mess after antibiotics and the probiotics have helped it back to normalcy.

From what I know, people think that polio is sudden pain and loss of limb function. I've been told that a lot of the time it's like a bad cold. That a lot of people went through it back in the day and recovered. And of course, the less lucky ones were the ones whose lives were altered forever.

Yeah, when I try to put myself in the shoes of her characters in the video I don't feel dirty and don't get the eghk! feeling. But in the other videos where women are being talked about and their sexuality is used to objectify them....ew...I can't plow through those videos. I just can't.

Right!? I want to watch a play by play of the scene with the crystal laden corset! so shiny and I love the makeup there!

thank you!

boo! we can't handle a different opinion! get out of here! this is a groupthink party. Dontcha know??


I need to work on my everything.

haha! that was actually pretty fun.

That's very enlightening.