
Sweet! I had no idea this system existed.

No..NO! I order you to stop!!

The hell you say...

No, you little...wait...did I leave the oven on??

That's not even close to the point I was making..but you have fun with that.

It doesn't... he/she is just full of shit.

Your posts get even more idiotic with every passing day/article.

Guess what I thought after reading your post...

Are those aftermarket keyboards as thin? Do they double as a cover? Do they have an accelerometer that lets the tablet know what position it's in to avoid erroneous key presses?

I liked that space. Perfect place for my thumb when looking at the home screen

Because widgets are 'separate' from the actual app. Live Tiles are a direct function of the Windows Phone OS

Live Tiles were vastly improved once the Mango update was released.

Right, instead you choose a bunch of icons and ugly widgets ;-P

Is there any particular reason the 3GS - and even the 4 - cannot run Siri?

No, the company that fools their sheep like followers into believing that the update their 3 yr old hardware gets has the same functionality as the newest hardware.

And is the 3 year old iphone going to get the full ios6 experience?? No?? Then it's not really ios6 now is it. Just because they call it that doesnt mean that the sheep have to automatically shut their brains off and go with the status quo.

But they won't be getting all of iOS6. Just what the phone can handle. It is the same thing with Windows Phones, except they arent being arrogant enough to call it Wp8. They are being upfront about it.

Oh, look..a troll.

Really?? So Apple made all the features of the 4S available to 3GS owners/users??

High end?? It cost 99.00 bucks on contract. I suspected that this would happen so I held on to my Samsung Focus and will upgrade directly to wp8.