I agree, and I’m not suggesting there was Soros money flying around. I guess my point is that for years, our response to accusations of “Soros is funding your grassroots movement!!!!!!!!11” has been... “nuh-uh.”
I agree, and I’m not suggesting there was Soros money flying around. I guess my point is that for years, our response to accusations of “Soros is funding your grassroots movement!!!!!!!!11” has been... “nuh-uh.”
You can’t be sarcastic with these people. They’re not smart enough.
I don’t get it. I’m just totally speechless.
Can I just say that I have had this conversation several times now with conservative leaning friends(who by the way are not bad people.) And they keep saying “Donald Trump won and the left needs to just get over it already. This won’t change a thing.” And my reply is as follows. The protests absolutely can and will…
The neighbors behind me have a little yippy dog that has been barking and whining all fucking day. Every now and again my dog looks out the window then looks to me and sighs. Now becuase of you I understand what my dog has been trying to convey to me. The neighbors dog is the neighborhood doggy Donald Trump. If…
The same people who voted for Tangerinochet in the first place. Bad news: there are tens of millions of them. Good news: most of them live in the flyover and won’t make the effort.
Ahh typical suspected white supremacist deflection
Easy to say when you’re part of the white entitled majority that pillaged and massacred the Native Americans and enslaved blacks for a couple of centuries. Just shut up, you’re clueless. I’m white BTW.
The right to an opnion is not the right to have it respected, or even be correct. Like, what twisted world did you get the idea that that is what liberals think? Think of the most famous liberals you can from the last 40 years, and list how many of them would say some stupid shit like that. Most people are morons, and…
“The moment you libtards stop labeling people...”
No, you’ll always be racist.
Keep fighting the good fight!
Somehow a man impersonating a politician being serenaded by a man impersonating a musician seems so perfect!
As someone who needs to use those spaces,I’ll tell you what I see as the problem with this . There were many, many other places where he can sit without any problem available at the moment this photo was taken. It shows, firstly, that he thinks he is above the need to obey these little ‘niceties’. In what other,…
Thank you, love. One does not bring a table lamp into the bright summer sun.
I think a lot of performers are refusing to play for Trump because of their respect for the office of the President.
Well, since Kim has her own ministry, she certainly seems to be overlooking one very important sin: “Women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says.” 1 Corinthians 14:34
I’m sure the first few thousand choices were all born and bread