
So we should ignore it?

This is a dumb way to try to downplay trumpie’s actions, trollette.

‘the classified information has been floating around D.C. intelligence agencies and was also reportedly presented to the so-called gang of eight comprised of the top four Congressional leaders, chairmen, and ranking members of the House and Senate intelligence committees.’

I hope she’s finding her new gig isn’t as.... rewarding as she’d hoped. In every way. I wonder how many people went to her little $5000 talk in NY?

Um, that’s what DQ did. Try to keep up.

Well, his god-given 1st Amendment rights made it okay or some such argle-bargle.

“I’m sorry I got caught doing this” type of apology.

Oh gawd, that might have been a friend’s SIL. He can be nice, he can be an ass.

Just like Cracker Jacks. They used to have AMAZING toys. Now you’re lucky if you get a sticker.

This has happened, btw. I don’t remember exactly when, but off the coast of Washington state. I had friends who were , um, happy for weeks!

Somebody probably already said this, but these are illegal in the US. We brought some back from BC one time, and the Border Patrol confiscated them. Evidently, the toys and such inside are too dangerous for special snowflake kids.

You are definitely a good human being. (I first typed ‘boing’. I don’t think you are a boing.)

House. Definitely house. We walked in and I kept thinking the landlord was going to show up, then “Oh yeah, WE are the landlord, so to speak.”

How can he give this order? He ain’t Prez yet.

Trollettes, like repubs, have a serious HIS (humor impairment syndrome). It’s sad.

Birds of a feather....


Reading comprehension. It’s your friend.


But.. but... but... they’re professional and all that.