Why would he even decide it was a great idea to be her boyfriend, for that matter?
Why would he even decide it was a great idea to be her boyfriend, for that matter?
Who the fuck cares?
I thought it was Milo....
That and he doesn’t give a rodent’s derriere.
Congrats, parents. Either you’re WAY gullible (“Honest, Mumsy and Daddy, I’d never, EVER do something like that (sniff).”
Holy effing shit. That is .... atrocious.
Don’t feed the baka trollette.
Well, they ARE stupid....
Stupid non-comment from would-be rapist.
So... as I have said before: FUCK OFF
MRA much?
Yeah, right.
Fuck off.
Well, considering he was a rapist himself....
Informercial people are the perfect example of the average person in the US today....
Remind the people who voted for him about that, okay?
I’m SO feeling not sorry for fuckwads who voted for trumpette. Congrats, idiots. You reap what you sow. And you sowed a field of CRAP.
I’d give to that.