
Citation or bull kaka.

“But” that little word with means “don’t believe anything I said before it”

Okay, we get it. You’re a teeny-tiny trollette. For trumpie. BFD.

...and nice.

Well, if somebody called me a cunt, I’d be quite angry.

A hoofwanking bunglecunt?

Texas is worse than Florida.

...and [sniff]

Nothing. Because that’s his MIND.

I’ve said this before, but they are all for DEMECRACY. All for them and screw everybody else.

1. ‘At a rally in King of Prussia’ = does anybody else find this funny in a macabre way?

So...if I call him a fuckwad, it’s okay?

Well, itn’s he special....

I just woke my SO up to say “One more fucking week.”

No, “libtards”, not “liberals”.

You probably need to review your idea of a good place to go for “comedy”.

Holy shit.


“Oh, I didn’t mean what I said.”

Deflecting again.