
I don’t disagree with you. As a society we value things more than other things in the workplace. Sometimes it might make a logical type of sense (well, this job makes more than that job because it requires more skills/training/education/certification) but what about the fact that some jobs pay more than other jobs

For me it feels tone deaf because I think the bigger fish to fry is the undervaluing of work traditionally done by women. Caregiving, home health work, teaching, nursing, etc. all pay absurd wages for the very hardest of work.

I skimmed this article. I don’t read articles in full that are about wage disparity among Hollywood stars. How much any of them make on a film or series has noththing to do with my earning power

The only thing I look for in a person is really nice hair. If a guy has good hair, whatever, he could be a serial killer who drinks bud with lime and i’d be into him.

The question is always ‘but why?’ If that’s your social circle, makes sense. If you’re going out of your way to turn other people down, surrounding yourself with a certain race of people, have manufactured ideas and stereotypes about who/what they are and do, then you may be a racist.

That’s totally believable!

I have a white-trash girlfriend from Texas and a drinking buddy from Puerto Rico, and hot damn. After an evening with either one of them, I just want to shove every black guy in a 50-mi radius out of their clutches (save yourselves, gentlemen!). I have two other black girlfriends who exclusively date white and East

I used to a know a white Jewish woman who exclusively slept with black men (she prefers W. Indian ones). She used to say weird things about white men that were informed by stereotypes about the black man and his perceived sexual prowess (in relation to men of other racial backgrounds). Khloe’s comment, to me, doesn’t

Few things more obnoxious in life than white women (any woman) who wax poetic about how into black guys they are