
Patrick's not immature for wanting monogamy, he's immature because he thought a serial cheater was going to stay monogamous for him. He knowingly chose someone who cheated on his partner of 2 years while also cheating on his loyal and loving boyfriend. Patrick knew what kinda guy he was dating but now that he's the

I'm surprised no one's pointed out the parallels between the Season 1 and Season 2 finales. Last season ends with Richie telling Patrick he's not ready while this season ends with Patrick telling Richie he's ready before he cuts his hair. I don't know, they seem like pretty obvious endgame cues to me.

This show relies on subtext so I was squinting hard when Dana was justifying her affair to Patrick and Megan. Is Patrick's Dad meant to represent Jon (or Richie)? I'm not sure what the writers want us to think of Patrick/Kevin. Literally every single person in Patrick's life objects to their relationship (Augustine,

Patrick was killing me with how shameless he was being about being a homewrecker at work but I liked that he became embarrassed when he had to tell Richie. Like yeah, Richie is judgmental as hell but he gives Patrick a moral compass and calls him out when he does stupid shit.