
And that is where the beauty in our Naval force lies. It’s not about the sheer number of ships, aircraft, etc. When we have the capabilities to blow them up without ever knowing we where there. Or to out range any of their weapons by nautical miles. We have weapons and tech that other military forces haven’t even been

Don’t forget, Japan has laid claims to the Spratly islands as well. And in an agreement, South Korea has strongly voiced their backing of the US should anything happen. So that would be the Japanese Navy, South Korean Navy, USN, Philippines, Malaysia, and probably Vietnam. The first two Naval forces being armed with

The USN would never attack first considering the only reason they are there is to show force and to back the countries fighting for their defined borders in the China Sea, which China has infringed upon by building these islands. So essentially if China did attack we would sink ALL the Chinese ships and ride into the

Look up air pollution in the dictionary and I believe it’s defined as, ANY MAJOR CITY IN CHINA. I don’t think environment is in their vocabulary.

Look up Boeing EQ-18G Growler. Difficult indeed.

Look up CWIS. Destroyers will have fun with those.

Being in the Navy, and being stationed in Japan I can tell you. Any threats those defenses on those islands represent are little to none. Though they do out man us in terms of force. We have a more technologically advance naval force than anyone. Look up Electronic Attack Squadrons. I’ve been on deployments where