For the love of long does it take to break out of prison. Are they even in prison anymore. I just think this series needs a new title.
For the love of long does it take to break out of prison. Are they even in prison anymore. I just think this series needs a new title.
If loving a vegetarien is wrong...I don't want to be right.
Oh man...I love to be those hot peppers right now.
All you steam lover go to hell. If you don't want the game who cares. Geez. Oh if it's not on steam I'm not buying. Get your ass off the couch and go to the store and get a copy geez. It's not the end of the world if its not on steam.
Hmm...first I thought this looks exactly like GTA4...but with the added stuff maybe it'll be interesting. This is sort of like GTA the SIMS Monopoly. Kind of intersting. We'll see how good it is though.
Hey isn't the guy in the middle in a game... called "Mirror's Edge" by EA? :)
Didn't get a chance to download last night, but I'd definitely buy it. I already added some funds...might also get street fighter alpha...still contemplating. I just think the graphics and music is awesome on this BC rearm
I bet Crecente is jealous of these hair. But don't be so bad on yourself, these guys are probably gay. I mean you gotta be to be that pretty.
Why should I be cheery because europeans are not getting that...that's terrible. I feel sorry for you my brother euros.
Why would anyone get the DLC version....does this update not allowed for those who purchase the disk? Because you can get burnout now, and get a physical copy for 29.99 already at Fry's. That's right need to get a virtual copy when you can have it in your hands.
I'm glad sony has a 10 year plan for games. I'd hate to upgrade every year or 2. Yeah it's nice to have new hardware, but you have to start a new collection and just be disappointed with your old games. This guarantees that in 10 years, I'll get a ps4. I'm sold. I mean it, I don't want to upgrade to another damn…
This upgrade isn't for the consumer sakes, it's for Sony. You can kiss that homebrew goodbye with this one. I heard you can't use pandora's battery anymore.
Xplay bullshits too much...I trust them as much as I trust siskel and roger ebert...who I beleive are probably dead. Just trust me...they're not good at recommending games.
@Absent Blue: It's his god damn business what he wants and don't want to do.
EA...the goodwill series.
I'll tell you what's going to happen. Wii players will lap it up like a thirsty dog, but if it was on any other platform it would fail miserably....cause that just looks stupid. Judging from how fun I had with facebreaker, I don't even want to download a demo for these if it was available.
I told you all EA did was put an 09 on that 08, they can't even bother to get their cover player right? sad.
OK so what language is the eauropean version. I can't see it being a problem with language here.
Man I hate that stuff where you gotta pay people to haul it off. I worked for a hospital and we had piles and piles of old computers and monitors. Of course we take the hard drive out and smash it, but the other stuff is a nightmare to get rid of. You know what they do is sell them to third world conuntries when they…
It's not about the lead of the character. The game just suck, I mean if it was fun I couldn't care less about it. They have no control over if the lead character wants to be in a game or not. If Daniel Craig had said no to the game would they not make the bond game....I don't think so. So it's not about…