Hey did you guys remember the tom clancy story
Hey did you guys remember the tom clancy story
That's because most people don't give a damn about game developers...it's not like any one man did it. It requires a whole shitload of teams, their credits appear at the end of the games. But seriously, I'm here to play games, not see the names who made the game. But if it's someone known for great games, you would…
CG in movies. OK, cg at the olympics, not OK. Everything must be real, if it's not then just don't do it. You don't fake people's memory it's like lying to them. I rather see something not as spectacular but real than an awesome fake fireworks. I mean yeah some part looks too good to be true, and you kind of knew it…
What she needs is just some tanning in the right places.
@Banjo-Paste: are you gay?
Um...excuse me while I go to the restroom.
Man..this guy must feel stupid toting a fake gun around like a 5 year old. Oh wait...he doesn't.
@Rorschach2112: Shiet...nothing is bigger than fireworks in texas...remember, everything is bigger here. And it aint no CG I tell you, I saw it with my own eyes.
Well I'm glad the PC guys complained or you might not have gotten the extra shit. All capcom gotta do is, like the developer said in the video, paint out the levels and you can play it. So creating new levels for them is a sinch.
Wow...those were some fond memories of the old EA...what happened to them. I love archon, pinball creator, marble madness...wow so many games I remember from EA. Now I'm just sick of EA.
If someone is flying in a jetpack..I want to be able to ram into them with the warhawk...and they die.
With so many damn limited edition DS out there...it's going to be rare to find one that isn't. I think I'll start collecting non rare DS, because some day, that's going to be really rare.
Oh yeah...that'll work.
I said it before...the iphone is not a gaming machine but for some puzzle games, but this...is exactly what the iphone is made for. It's actually a good game for the iphone...which could do as well on other platform as well. I'm not sure, but I don't think it's out for the ps3 yet, but that would work well with the…
I might get this when it hits the bargain bin...I mean I didn't even download the demo...that's how interesting this is to me.
Does gaming require buttons? Some may say no with the advent of the wii, but not all games work very well without buttons. Sure the wii is great for games that require swinging or flicking your wrist, but I still find it difficult to steer with it or play some fighting games. So it only is useful for some games...with…
I think ms paid off squenix to get ffxii just to piss sony off. Gettinf ffxiii would not sell more console in the US. They should have went for the japanese instead, it might get those japanese to switch to 360.
@MisterMcThursday: Hey did you hear Halo 3 is coming to the ps3...woohooo!!!
Why is that...is he expecting people to buy both versions? I think if you make the same game, but with some difference in both version, some of the diehard fans out there might be dumb enough to get both versions.
ahhh...look at that beautiful water..I wouldn't be playing games either and be swimming everyday if I lived there.