
@Striderhayasa - Phillyyakk on PSN and Live.: Yeah you and me both, regret buying everyday shooter too. Just because it's indie people all go ooh let's support them and give them high ratings, then when you play it....it kinda sucks. I also regret getting tekken 5 dark resurection.

Hmm...I admire the guy for being first, but this game doesn't look all that great. And from the looks of it, people want to support him on the plystation blog, but not many people want to buy it. I'm going to pass on this one since I still enjoy super stardust HD. I love the dual analog shooter, that is the best

Wow that looks really cool, but seems like the aiming and shooting is out of whacked...nice looking xbox360 game.

Since when did we see any savings passed on to consumers? The savings goes to their pocket, don't ever expect to see a dime of it.

@Cwn: Eating anything raw is not advisable when pregnant and that would go with all culture I assume. Bacteria and listeria, not to mention mercury in some of the fish. Mackerel has high mercery levels.

First of all I always get seaweed salad. The raw I like yellowtail, spicy tuna, and maybe some octopus, and escolar. Cooked I like unagi, spider, salmon skin and smelt egg. Yeah...I like muching on millions of unborned fish. And maybe 1 or 2 botthe of large saki.

Tomb Raider is probably one of the more successfuly game to movie I know of and it wasn't even good. The only reason it did well was Angelina Jolie, Given the Success rate of game to movie in general...who would want to do it. I'm just saying that it'll probably suck and bruce might as well scratch that one out of his

Kotaku...please include wheter games have ingame advertising or not so I can avoid it like the plague

Yeah man...I love me some unagi too. Once in a while I get sick from sushi...it sucks because then it puts me off sushi for a while and I love sushi. I only eat a few raw ones though.

Let me guess what the plot is as with every damn fighting movie...Chunli has to join a fighting tournamentt to investigate some corruption.....blah blas blah.

@Antiterra: How about big mac..now with chunli's buns.

I don't really care if this was in HOME, where you go to see free products and demo, but it better not be INGAME, I want my game distraction free...like movies, I hate ads...and I hate crying kids in the theatre. There's nothing you say that's going to change that.

Fuck that shiet...my income is never disposable. If this affect my gaming...I will be pissed.

@chaos242: You're not getting me, I think he makes great movies. I like his movies, watched all the DieHards, I'm saying why would he risk that on a game to movie with ubisoft. Lets face it, ubisoft hasn't got a great record for games...or movie. And as I remember personally, I watched Hudson Hawk also, in my book it

Yes..why give them all out at once when you can milk it until it's dry. I mean marvel did it...so why not capcom.

@Foxstar Sixtail: I know 2 things, I know that I played Ninja Gaiden Sigma and I liked it, it wasn't rubbish to me so I'm sure it wasn't to a lot of people either. And I know he dissed NG Sigma. With that, I can make my own opinion what I think, I don't need to read an article that may or may not be true. I don't care

@Xerxes 8933A: Yeah we know what that program that runs 24/7 is except for 5 minuts *cough* bitttorrent *cough* :)

Woah I was right. I guessed that you were a photographer that had to take pictures of certain animals as your assignment and you can use whatever resource you have to accomplish that.

Why would he risk his acting career, what's left of it to Ubisoft Kane and Lynch? That is a bad move, as bad as Hudson Hawk movie probably.

This is their chance to make any changes they didn't like about bioshock the first time. Not to mention to outdo themselves with the ps3 by bumping up resolution, visual effects in general.