
I've always found Itagaki to be interesting and he seem to be genuine about his feelings toward games and say what he feels, but when he trashed his own team for Ninja gaiden Sigma, saying it was rubbish, I find that hard to beleive he's telling the truth. Sigma came out just fine whether it was done by him or not.

I call this study bullshit...how the hell a 360 last that long always on. Besides...a lot of ps3 that's on are probably @folding at home at least and benefiting in other areas. But who leaves it on all the time...I don't do it to my ps3.

I hate my wii also...and I hate guitar hero too. But at this point, I coudlnt' afford to purchase a guitar and smash it. So she can do whatever she wants. And I don't think she is as bad as other singers, I kind of like her voice.

In addition to giving a full, honest, unbiased review, you should also post the "specs" of the game. It's true resolution, sound quality. With games outright lying about their true resolution and posting just "upscaled resolution" it's hard to determine if this game will meet our expectations. Although a game's visual

I remember RE5 discussion...I think it might be one of the reasons I eventually got booted. It's just damn careless of kotaku to bring it all back to incite rage among the kotaku readers. I'm not going to comment further on the game itself. Shame on you kotaku.

He's got to be crazy to give up such a good opportunity to work but maybe this guy made enough money already and he wants to do nobler things. I don't think I would give up my already establish career to go back to school, but I can't diss him for doing such a good deed. I mean maybe if this guy was around, I wouldn't

@enewtabie: Yes but let's say they found that to be somewhat successful. Do you think that they will release the same amount of free stuff then? they would slowly starve us until we join in the game Exclusives interfiew and making of this and that is fine, but I feel that the demo and some contents that should be free

So what if it's like gmail beta...I've been using gmail forever too. And I haven't had any problems with it...if it's like gmail, I can live with that.

Woah...I guess there was a reason for him bad mouthing Ninja Gaiden Sigma. With him spewing so much hate for the ps3...his next job might be at MS. Well...the guy is a character...I'm sure he will find a new job quickly. Life will go on though with or without him.

I hate any kind of mind control. Adidas is evil. I've never bought any adidas in my life...we'll see if I start doing it.

No way will I pay for this. Demo should be free to evaluate their product, why should we pay for it. If you want to sell me something...let me test it out without paying for it first. Sony trying to pull a Microsoft on us. This ain't going to go well...there will be backlash...I love the ps3 and all but if they do

@NateN: Well congradulation. I bought my house over a year ago. A not so fancy new house in an OK neighborhood. I never felt like I was really home until I live in my own house. It's a good feeling. Besides, my apt rent is about the same as my house payments which goes towards something I'm going own rather than apt

Everybody's Golf 2 and some Burnout Legends on the psp. Some echochrome on psp and ps3. So many games I haven't have time to play on the ps3 and when MGS4 get's here...I won't play anything else until it's finished. So that probably mean I will not buy another game either until mgs is finished. This way it'll force me

@eunoia: I for one have lost respect for game reviewers already. Noble of EGM, but too late really. We need to depend on gamers review now and to do that, we have to purchase games carefully a week after release, not on first day of release. It sucks, but that's what we have to do to ensure that we are not buying a

I applaud them for doing that. Game developers need to know their place. I don't know if they will lose sales over this, probably not. People who intend to buy it will buy it. But new people to MGS might be turned off by it. I don't know how movies are reviewed but it shouldn't be any different for video games. Why

So in addition to crappy Ubisoft games, they are going to make crappy movies as well. Might as well join forces with Uwe Boll. Come on Ubisoft, concentrate on maing some good games first will ya...hate to be hating you like I hate EA, but you're getting there fast.

I like Indiana Jones, that's why I went to see crystal skull, but after seeing it, I recommend a rental when released. Yeah you would expect cheesiness and special effects to not be as great if this was made 10 years ago, but it should grow with the times and I don't think it has. The monkey scene is just teribble I

If you haven't seen Crystal Skull. Save your money, it's the crappiest of indaina jones. I don't see what the hype was. They stole half the oontent from Uncharted.

What if they're just trying to find a reason to delay the game a little because it might not do too well with MGS4 out. I already said that I won't buy anymore games on release date unless there was a demo released ahead of time. I'll be waiting a while before I buy this.

I don't think they were mistaken. It probably look realistic enough that these terrorist used it and mentioned what it would look like if they were to attack washington wiht nukes.