I don't mind the graphics...but the mouth part just looks really unnatural.
I don't mind the graphics...but the mouth part just looks really unnatural.
What kind of localization issue would that be...was it first release on mars? Come on...it's not region locked just slap a sticker on it and sell it geez SCEE.
Owen, that's all cool and everything, but you didn't include what you drive like in GTA4 without being drunk in game or in real life. This research fails. You need to redoo that. Heck your driving seems pretty normal when not drunk in game or in real life. It's damn hard to drive in GTA4 unless you're going 5 miles…
So does Sega have exclusive rights on marvel...cause I sure didn't like iron man. I hope they do a better job with this one...else no go for me again.
You know what I like...head cheese...only HEB here in houston have it. Else I stick with the vietnamese sandwiches...they's cheap and delicious.
Hey WTF, what share the love, give us US folks something.
MMMMmmm...octopus...yum....and those girls...yum. I'll eat them all.
That's easy...I CAN tell which one is which...The ps3 is in hidef and progressive scan while the 360 side is lowres and interlaced :)
I bet they are loosing money in the US...I mean I don't know what other games they make besides Final Fantasy. You can't live forever on that.
Hmm...the animation is great...chunli looks good. Too bad she's a man in the game. Anyway...I already got an Hori Fighting stick for my VF5...it should work perfectly with street fighter 4 if I do decided to get it.
A lot of the FPS falls into that catagory, but the rest does a pretty good job of having some green vegetation at least. I think the FPS genre is depressing and dark...even Uncharted, drakes fortune had some dark dreary scenes.
You know what pisses me off...when the toilet paper is faced the wrong way...suppose to be over and to the fron, not back side.
@PixelRambo: But knowing tha fact that seek time will be longer they can do something about that. I mean the ps3 got a lot of processors and I doubt that MGS4 is all that cpu intensive, They can just load ahead on some area and the video is basically in sequential order, there's not that much seeking to do. But then…
@CaptMonkey: I don't think he meant that watching the olympics will bring you success. I think he's trying to say if people get off their ass playing video games all day, maybe they would have some time for sports. By playing sports, you can acheive real success and benefits, such as good health and maybe even become…
Haha...xbox360 achievements means nothing. He's right, you don't play game to be successful in life. I mean how many professional gamers are there, what the hell are they good for? Advertising more games and hardware. Who buys games and hardware because another gamer says so? I buy hardware because of specs....so…
I hope not all games comes with multiplayer. Sometimes I just want to play game by myself. Yeah multi player is fun...but I need single player games also.
It's metal gear...it's going to have seemless transition...so I don't mind it. It usually does it well. Can't wait to get my pre-order copy.
That's the whole game? I mean it's kinda cool...but for like 10 seconds.
They couldn't acheive the framerate for the ps3 so they decided to take out all the details and just have it wireframe.
I think Kojima should sue them. This is nothing more than VR mission for Madden.