
Wow...if I didn't know better I might run out and buy a copy of this game. That's what hype can do for you.

Gee...this one might make me look for my wii and hook it back up. I wonder where my wii is?

Man...before when you tell stories about your wife being pregnant and all and the throwups...I had nothing to relate to, until now. I just found out that my fiance is pregnant...we went to the doc couple of days ago to see how many days she's been pregnant, haven't got results back yet, but there's something in the

Next year he'll be saying Ninja Gaiden 2 sucked hard. It wasn't any good, Ninja Gaiden 3 for the ps3 is the last and final shit. Yeah whatever dude...you just lost credibility. I'll never buy another game from him. Not even if it's a call of duty clone. Frankly I don't see any difference at all between sigma and 2

With all that time and delay you would think they would put out a killer visual game, but came out generic and bad gimmick...Nectar just sucks. It's like they made the game/visual bad until you take nectar, then it's up to the level of other shooter. I mean who wants to keep doing that just to see the enemy.

The guy didn't complain, he's greatful. What's everyone bitching about.

I hope the NFL rip them off so bad that they won't ever want to touch nfl licensing. At this rate I will never get to play football. But who cares...it sucks.

As a kid I love 3d movies, but hated the glasses. I had coke bottle glasses in the first place and putting a stupid paper glasses over my already thick ass glasses just.....well do I have to describe it?

haha...that gave me a chuckle in the morning.

Well fuck if you can't guarantee pre-orders, then stop selling preorders. Geez. Although I don't think it's going to be a problem, I better get my MGS4 preorder when I go to pick it up from bestbuy...or I will be pissed.

Metal Gear cart racing

Well 11 and 12 yearolds don't buy games or consoles, so what are you gonna do. I'm the paying consumer here so you better be producing goods for us adults.

When people buy a machine, they expect to play game at the maximum resolution their hardware can support. With PC it varies, so you are able to set up according to your hardware capability. You can always set it to the maximum. On consoles, it's different. Game is designed at 1 resolution and scaled up. But the

I saw the preview for WipeoutHD and it runs at 1080p at 60fps. Now this game looks awesome and fast paced so this is doable. Programmers needs to stop taking shortcuts and put out some quality games without sacrificing the detail that the PS3 is capable of. I won't accept bad looking games. With that, I'm going to

I do care about HD. It just looks better in HD. Now haze doesn't look too bad, but I've already complain about the detail of the game, it's not as detailed as I like it. You can't see the bad guys unless you take some nectar, which is probably by design but I still rather see my enemies while I'm playing, not when I

Oh yeah...the PC definitely needs another damn badge. Becausse there's not enough PC badges for the PC. I got a PC, with soundcard, ram, keyboard, mouse, hdd, sd, mmc, usb, and they each come with their own little sticker that says "I'm Inside" Just print it in the damn manual...I don't need all those stickers.

I play the demo for a little while. I was going to give this game a fighting chance, but turns out that I hate it. You can barely see the bad guys until you take a shot of nectar and then they turn all glowy. Which to me...a stupid gimmick. I'd like to see the game and the enemies I'm fighting, not when I'm on some

Vega is more like Pat from saturday night live...can't tell if it's a woman or a man. What is up with capcom...do they have a gender crisis!!!?

Nothing new...we knew EA was a bad company. Now they are admitting it. So it's a first step to improvement. Let's all give EA a hand folks, it takes great courage to admit you are bad.