
I love the way this game looks, but the playing and viewpoint is not my style at all. Also, when you are on top of a building...when do you see a red platform board for you to run on and jump off of? Looks a little out of place. I bet no one saw this...but when she jumps off the building, there are 2 cop cars down

Come on there's got to be a summary of what the update is about...can't say here's an update, do it. For all I know it could be patching up a whole that allows me to play copied blurays on 50 spanning DVD.

I heard they already got a new name. EA+T2=EAT2

Hey capcom...just give us Ryu figurine and a chunli head. That way, when we want to play chunli, we can just pop ryu's head off and put chun li on. I mean they got the same body.

@enewtabie: Hmm...are they saying the DLC is included in the update, but won't be activated until purchased? I don't want content sitting on my machine if I didn't choose to download it.

With all the new games I've been playing, I forgot that I have hotshot golf also. Hmm...wish I had some online friends to play with.

Whatever that thing is...I think I saw it at Target the other day here in the states.

Wow...so many different shades of gray, it's so exciting...*yawn*

Man...I stuck up for sony many times. This one is just wrong...I'm ashamed. Speechless...*puts my head down, shakes, walk way*

Metal gear has one of the best cutscene transition into gameplay than any other games out there, hands down. I don't understand people commenting about long cutscene. MGS is all about that stuff to develop the story, if you don't like that, then you are not an MGS fan. I'd recommend buying a different game, because

This footage is nothing new. We've been seing the same footage since. Now the theatrical trailer had new materials...but this one is old footage. No spoilers.

wow...that movie guy theatrical trailer is awesome. Saw some new characters in there. This game is going to be badasss. I've pre-ordered one from bestbuy already. Not that I need to probably...but to be on the safe side.

Square enix is such a hypocrite, first they say not even the ps3 can handle their creativity, yet a crappy wii is just fine.

Wow...snake's final hours are his finest hours...I guess snake dies in the end then. For the final mgs series.

If you don't have to pre-order, don't because Metalgear Saga vol2, you can probably find the same materials out there somwhere already. If you've been following the metal gear story, and played it, you've got most of the footage on there, and the trailers are just that, collections of trailers. Not to mention that

You know american invent the term "bragging rights". So, Kojima ain't out of line here when he said it. Americans are one proud people and aren't afraid to admit it. And sometimes, bragging is in order. I don't see why anyone would get on Kojima's case for saying what is TRUE. Lets move on...there's nothing to see

I didn't think Kojima said it in those words...and I beleive the guy was trying to be modest and taken out of context by the media...I really do, because I'm asian and I do that a lot too. You guys got a story from another source can't guarranty what the man said originally. Now appologize to Kojima.

I was watching metal gear saga 2 that came with the preorder, unfortunately I didn't register for the MGS online beta testing, and they kept on saying Outer Heaven which I thought was correct, In MGS4, Liquid/Ocelot calls it Outer Haven. I'm just reading the difference on the wiki page....good read.

I must say that DOA was bad...so bad it was good in a way. I mean they got some good scene and couple of hot chicks...but I would not buy it. Just maybe download it. Mostly it was bad.