I think they did it artfully, myself. The brands are additional characters of the show.
I think they did it artfully, myself. The brands are additional characters of the show.
You do realize those were in-show advertisements, don't you? Genius really, as you're proof how well in-show placement makes a mark in the mind, but do not assume those product placements came for free. SJP took care of her girls' paychecks. You have to have additional revenue to keep the cast in line. Product…
If a result of this marriage disintegrating results in my having to hear less of Tunedeafye's voice, I will do cart wheels in her high god damned heels. I will never understand the awe people hold for her vocal "prowess" She is no Aretha, She is no Annie Lennox, She is no Tina Turner, she is no Adele and she sure as…
It actually does work that way you dumb cunt. Models ALWAYS get comp copies of their work for their books. That is how you build your fucking book. It is the standard of the biz. It is also standard for sex abuse victims, at least one of them, to go to the motherfucking cops before Erin Gloria fucking Ryan. Wishing…
bit it is still the whiteman's fault. you will never get away from that
Another internet expert who thinks his pussyboy opinion is fact. You fucking fag.
again, you are taking their word for it. Seriousy, Wake up. if I tell you, I am vetting it very throughly, are you just going to take it at face value. Are you seriously that naive? Erin has a link INVITING ANYONE to email her a story. I would love to see how she vets mine when i send one in.
Apparently models have never heard of cops nor search warrants. No one ever accused them of being bright.
liberals do not need to sleep, they are in a 24-7 coma
The photos would be released if one of his accusers pressed charges and requested a search warrant be executed. Real simple step and one that can be done anonymously as the press are not allowed to publish the names of sex crime accusers, so the feasibility of the "fear" excuse in not acting is considerably…
Woody Allen molested me too. It's true because this is the internet and anything I say is factual, therefore you are required to believe me and if you do not, you are a rape apologist. The end.
A person blindly accusing a stranger on the internet based off of Erin Gloria Ryan's vendetta posts is hurting innocent people and our collective right to presumption of innocence, you dumb fucking cunt.
Pretty incredible someone who believes internet accusations with no police reports, search warrants or criminal complaints would have the moxie to wish suicide. Proof of zero IQ points - not worthy of breathing air.
You do realize you are a shitty fucking american who does not believe in the constitution of the united states but rather gossip blogs? Ever hear of presumption of innonence you god damned disrespectful cunt? YOU go kill yourself, but please, get raped first. In a piss strewn back alley. No, wait, better yet, please…
every single woman was afraid??? Seriously? Each and every single one who gives the same template story all had the same exact emotion and are so weak they can't stand up for themselves, but they can go to the press???? For fuck's sake. Yeah, please keep going on about the lochness monster
where are the police reports, the search warrants and the criminal complaints and why are these women going to the press rather than the police? (don't give me the same bullshit "they were embarrassed" crap...eventually at least one of these dozens of women would go to the authorities) and most importantly, why are…
So you know him? I love all these definitive demonstrative statements from shit heel assholes who have no fucking clue what they're talking about. You god damned online college course professor, you. Fuck off.
What an enormous pussy to believe everything the internet says about Terry Richardson (and his assistant), neither of whom have ever been served with search warrants nor charges after all these years of anonymous, formulaic allegations that all sound like a template meme used to cowardly attack people like Richardson…
such as?
Yes, the WORK we've all seen in galleries. What this woman is describing above is entirely different. Fact of the matter is, there are women like Erin Gloria Ryan who will attack male artists because she resents and hates the themes of the work. A good old facist in 21st blogging form. I credit her with single…