
Of course according to another commenter very quick to cast stones, if I don’t like Tiffany, I must be a vegan, granola crunching hipster asshole who lives an alternative lifestyle because all women love Tiffany’s statistically (this is so far from true it’s laughable).

I love people who wear Pandora bracelets. It means I can tell by looking at them not waste my breathe trying to be friends with them.

Perhaps I was unclear. I’m not talking about etsy or local shows. I’m talking about goldsmiths who own their own brick and mortar store. And who will work with you to design an original piece and source fair trade stones for you with authentication. Yes, I’d rather support them even if it means paying almost as much

The tin can KILLS me! When I saw it in the header image, I was like, oh, haha, they’ve thrown in the tin can I use on my desk to store pencils (a tin can that used to actually hold tin goods) for the photoshoot to really make this look like an every day real person’s desk. NOPE, it’s TIFFFFFFANNNNNY and costs $1000.


Yep! Which is the same herpes virus that causes chicken pox. My mum has had shingles. That shit looks fucking painful!

She buys second hand makeup from people on the train? Say what now?

Everyone has the virus in one way or another, it might not be as cold sores or genital herpes, but you’d be hard pressed to find an adult human who hasn’t had some form of it. Chicken pox? Herpes. Mono? Herpes? I have a tiny wart on my left elbow that has been coming and going since I was a little kid. When it pops

Right?! FFS, it’s as bad as the “caution: hot water” sign some cockwomble has stuck on the kettle at work. Like, fucking DUH!

I thought that the donor had to do the paperwork themselves, it wasn’t something that the family could decide after? Both of my paternal grandparents donated their bodies to science, and the paperwork was all done years in advance. As my dad and his brother were the executors on their will, they had to sign the forms

I’m pretty sure you can do exactly that! My husband and I both need to redo our wills as they’re obviously invalid once you get married, but that’s my plan. Organs get donated, but if that can’t happen, off to science I go. Both of my grandparents donated their bodies to science. It’s a lovely thing and helps so many!

It kills me that in a country where abortion is legal (I’m assuming you’re in the US) you had to wait that long for one! I’m Australian and am from on of the states where abortion is “technically” illegal (only legal in cases where it will affect your mental & physical health blah blah blah). I called for an

Sacre Coeur is where the two incidences I mentioned on this thread earlier happened. One of them was the guys selling those ugly bracelet things that they grab you, restrain you and forcibly tie it onto you then demand payment for it. The girls they did it to were both really small, really quiet Thai girls who

I was in Barcelona a few months ago with my husband and another couple - one of whom is French. We’re all lying on the beach and this group of French schoolboys were walking around, obviously checking out all of the women on the beach, many of whom were topless. Our French friend said that they were loudly commenting

Right?! I haven’t been to Paris since I was 16 (quite some time ago!) however when I was there (in a large group) there were two instances when West African men attacked girls in our group - grabbing at them etc etc. These were fucking teenage girls and they were doing it in broad fucking daylight.

I remember this story. CHILLS!

Or the guy who was in a hotel room with John Wayne Gacy. OMG. That one fucked me up.

Jordan claims Oliver grabbed her, pushed her, and slapped her. She says he told her, “You think you’re smarter than me, don’t you? You always have. You think you’re better than me. You think I’m dumb.” The people on the porch quickly dispersed.

Exactly! I’m an Australian too, am not involved in the film industry and I’ve been reading about HW for years and years. I didn’t actually realise that Rose had never named him as her rapist as I thought it was an open thing in Hollywood that he raped her, paid her off and destroyed her career. There is NO FUCKING WAY

SERIOUSLY. He’s 8 years older than my own father (and the same age as my uncle). Neither my father nor my uncle would ever, EVER think this is ok because of the era they grew up in. Hell, at my dad’s old job, he was the go-to support guy that women on his team used when they were going to HR with sexual harassment