
Seafolly! They make this style every year and they are perfect. I’ve had mine for years and they are really well made and supportive for big boobs.

I have one in almost this exact cut by Seafolly. Asos have them in quite a few colours and patterns. So, so comfy, flattering and they last years and years.

I hate myself for knowing this, but LiLo and I were born in the same year and days apart. We’re both 31. She looks closer in age to my 56 year old mother than she does to me. I do not want her lifestyle tips, and neither should anyone else.

I hate hand shaking. Hate it. Mainly because, despite knowing I have a good firm shake, I can never tell which asshole is going to crush my poor hand so hard that I get shooting nerve pain all through my hand and arm for weeks. Fucking sadists.

As a recently married person, I just can’t imagine being so angry about something so minor that you would turn a day that is meant to be full of joy into something so ugly. My photographer was awesome on the day but is four weeks late delivering on our photos. I’m not completely happy about the wait, but am I going to

Oh god! This reminds me of when I was a kid and at a friend’s farm. Our parents were out in the paddock doing farm things and me and my friend (we were maybe 7 or 8?) were alone in the house. We went into her room to play dolls/with her doll house and when we opened up the doll house, there was a MASSIVE MOTHERFUCKING

RIGHT?! My parents regularly get 6ft long Eastern Browns (aka the second most venomous land snake on earth) around their house in summer. So much so that the dogs are only allowed outside when someone is with them. The snakes that show their ugly faces around the house do not live to tell the tale...

That poor baby! Friends of ours adopted a greyhound (that was trained with live bait :( ) and he was an awesome dog... until they had a baby. Then, the mere sound of their newborn crying, cooing or making any newborn noise made the poor dog go insane because newborns sound very similar to dying cats/possums that

I’m getting married in two months and I really don’t want presents but it’s hard to say ‘don’t give me presents’ because it’s also assuming that people wanted to give us one in the first place so that request in itself also feels kind of indulgent. It’s so hard! We’re grown assed adults who either already have

They do in this bastardisation of yoga.

I used to give blood religiously every three months however started to have weird reactions to it (fainting).

I had a similar experience. I’d done hot yoga in the past (just normal yoga in a hot room) where I’d learnt that if you felt faint to get inchikds pose and take a drink whenever needed. I got in child’s pose in the one bikram class I tried when I felt faint and got yelled at and told I was a quitter and a failure and

I live in NZ. All kiwis refer to themselves as that.

Yes! That one gets me every time!

I went to boarding school and the bathroom was a row of toilet cubicles on one side of the room and a row of shower cubicles on the other (you know the kind, with a partition between each etc). About 30 girls shared this bathroom and all being creatures of habit, everyone always used the same stall, meaning that each

It’s a fairly open secret that she was having a long term affair with Crowe. Tom was fine with it (as he obviously wasn’t interested in having sex with her) provided she didn’t get pregnant to Crowe... which she did.

From her pregnancies to Russell Crow...

My parents are super laid back and have always trusted us. They’re also pretty lazy so we always signed our own permission slips forging a dads signature (with his permission). The ONE time dad actually signed it for reals, we got raked through the coals for it being a ‘fake’ as it looked like a child had done it,

I had the same teacher for year four and five and she was an epic thundercunt. She used to absolutely have it in for me and I still have a complex over maths to this day... Cunt used to single me out and mark everything I did wrong and make me feel like a dunce. It’s only in adulthood that I’ve realised that I’m

Anastacia brow wizz is the bomb.com as far as I'm concerned, and I've tried EVERYTHING.