
My husband bailed too. He did a night out with the boys (after promising he was just stopping by for 1 drink), and is currently still snoring.

Exactly. And I think he knows that, which actually makes it even worse that he won’t go with me. I honestly don’t know what his aversion is, but if it’s some stupid macho thing about not wanting to be a dude at a “women’s” event then he and I will have to have some serious talks.

Guys, I am really bothered by my husband today. I’m going to my local women’s march and I asked him if he wanted to go. His reason for saying no is that he wants to go to the car dealership to look at a vehicle, and when I pressed him on it he said very mockingly “Do you need a man to speak out for your rights, or can

Don’t kneel, don’t capitulate, never give up, never surrender, but above all else stand.

Ireland checking in all my hopes, dreams, love and prayers to every fuckng war goddess I can think of go to you.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

Indeed. Ivanka is clearly the First Lady; we can leave Melania alone.

In such a target rich environment, I wish people would leave Melania alone. She’s such a non-entity, she’s not responsible for any of this, First Lady is a bullshit non-job and she shows no interest in performing it. Attacking her is just exercising internalized misogyny.