She’s a TERRIBLE artist. She should just be a full time activist instead, that’s clearly where her talent lies.
She’s a TERRIBLE artist. She should just be a full time activist instead, that’s clearly where her talent lies.
Seriously. She’s a terrible artist.
Of course she does.
Oh God, stop. At some point it’s a matter of integrity. For the hypothetical people you mention “presenting themselves as bimbos” was not a requirement; it merely made things easier, more straightforward. You choose how to live your life. I’m sorry, but you can’t call everything “victim blaming” without also…
Which victim I am blaming here?
I love her madly, but sister, stop making shit about you, Hils! She continues to display her tone-deaf reactions to any culture outside of herself and constantly gices into the immediate and lazy soundbite that will inevitably haunt her (and democratic candidates) later. Momma, sit the fuck down!
Oh my God, saaaaaaaaaame.
Tiff is one of those messy folks that WE all know who can’t hold water...and if you don’t know such a person, you are said person...gurl shut it.
I only got about 15 min into the new Roseanne (interrupted by kids, plan to finish it; this is my life, don’t even have time for an ep of a sitcom in one go) and it was okay. It felt very comfortable in many ways (not the politics, obv.) and I laughed.
I feel like so many people who supported Trump imposed their own values and beliefs on him. They don’t see the actual man just their idealized version of him. It sounds Roseanne is the same way.
I was about to be annoyed that Becky being 43 is bullshit, but it actually clocks for the most part, color me continuity-impressed. Season 1 she was 13 or 14 and that was (gulp) 30 years ago. Haven’t watched yet, but my affection for the original and the good things I’ve heard have me ready to despite Barr’s awful…
they want you to click the video to find out WHICH I REFUSE TO DO
What does her being white have to do with anything?
That’s a nice way to say “fuck that bitch”.
Talk about WAY too much digital ink being spilled over a throwaway comment...
So you want to talk about black women while excluding all other women of color. And then you want to talk about all the ways in which white women are oppressing black women, without even touching upon the myriad ways that we are all working TOGETHER to combat racial and gender injustices?
If you care to read further on it:
Get informed dude. She refused to approve the vax due to lack of studies. Once the studies were done, she approved it. Way to buy into corporate democrat propaganda!
Not that I watch a lot of Wimbledon coverage, but I do recall seeing more of McEnroe than Navratilova.... not ten times more, but more.