
Could this explain his strange questioning during the Comey hearing?

This is Vogue. No look counts until a white person does it.

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

“former Vine star” explains so, so much about this.

And then he dabbed.

The evolution of “I just want everything out in the open v2.0” gambit has really spread, like a virus, across the franchise. Karen Huger on RHP, Marlo Hampton on RHA, and now Lydia (good luck, you’re trying to help a Cancer-faker who still won’t admit it!).

But... if doctors start telling patients that the abortion pill can be reversed... wouldn’t that potentially lead to *more* people pursuing that option since they might err on “I can always change my mind later...”?

You know, if these zealots actually gave a shit about these babies AFTER they were born, it would sure make a lot more sense.

Pretty sure bearing false witness (aka lying to patients) is not something Jesus would be pleased with, so...

I don’t mean this as body snark, but that picture looks like a photoshop fail to me. It’s a bit like a taffy pull. Maybe that’s her real body, but she’s a very petite woman. How does her torso look 4 feet long?

Particularly the lookit-my-engagement-ring-LOOKIT photo.

Married at 22? Good luck.

My takeaway too. Yeah, that’s how a guy will win me, by saying “After dating a bunch of assholes I realized you were better than I thought.”

This is oddly un-Jezebelian in nature.

neither. Anything else?

I’m sure losing the baby chub didn’t hurt, either.

I think Teen Week is running on fumes

Yeah, this boring-but-smug bullshit about waiting around for some guy and imagining the thoughts of the girls who laughed at you in middle school or whatever gets to be on the same website that has posts celebrating genius mathematicians who just died? Jezebel, please choose more wisely. This is stupidity.

Ugh. No wonder people have unrealistic expectations of love and togetherness. Other guys never even had a shot with you because you had an odd obsession solely because you refused to mature emotionally. On the other hand, he fucked his way through a few towns, then when he got bored knew he always had a backup plan

Looks like Aaron’s Party is finally over