When I was better about trying to quit, I’d distract myself. Typically by starting on a day I knew I’d be working so I wouldn’t just sit and stew in symptoms all the time. I’m not sure what the nature of your work or WD symptoms are, but that might help?
Not a big fan of smoking anything. And no, not Fentanyl. I won’t even touch that because then I really will accidentally kill myself. That’s pretty hard core.
Depends on how much weight you give tabloids. However, the story is remarkably consistent between these three, at least:
Depends on how much weight you give tabloids. However, the story is remarkably consistent between these three, at least:
This echoes nicely what this gal had to stay about it:
That part made me sick. I know we’d all like to give the “victim” the benefit of the doubt, but this woman is not a victim. “Not remembering” goes both ways: you can’t remember if you gave consent, but you can’t remember if you didn’t either. However, sitting on some guy’s face can be interpreted as consent.
From what I gather, she didn’t paint herself as a “victim” until after someone told her she should. “Not remembering” goes both ways: you can’t remember if you gave consent, but you can’t remember if you didn’t either. And I think most people would agree that sitting on some dude’s face can be interpreted as giving…
About two hours ago. I’ve been hooked for awhile. I was one of these ER stats when I had a seizure on the foot of the stairs at my parents’ house after accidentally overdosing. That was about four years ago, and I’m still using because I hate who I am without this drug: mean, withdrawn, snappy, and antisocial. I still…
lol no
One of my cows died!
I loved the “It’s all about how weird I am lol!” part. Yeah, that headshot of you looking like a bland basic bitch SCREAMS quirky and unique.
Yep. Disney’s gonna be just fine.
My feminist side is telling me not to say this, but the petty side of me has won out. So: Dani, God gave you your bigmouth bass face for a reason, and it clearly wasn’t to make sincere apologies. It was to suck off old white guys to feel pretty, up to and including your stepdad. Go back to what you do best.
That’s cool but the last time someone told me to stop concern trolling Trump was elected president six months later, so.
Because they’re tacky trash people.
Anti-abortionists are not known for their reasoning skills.
I was really disappointed in Claws last night :(
I work at an animal rescue organization. If my boss asked me, “Did you or did you not euthanize a batch of puppies?” and my response was “LOL NOT SURE” I’d be so fired.
I work at an animal rescue organization. If my boss asked me, “Did you or did you not euthanize a batch of puppies?” and my response was “LOL NOT SURE” I’d be so fired.