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Here’s a leaked scene that will answer that.

Cyborg was never bland and boring in the Marv Wolfman series — he had serious issues, not just with his body but with his family. The problem is that the Cyborg we know in the post-52 universe has no real gravitas.

That’s clearly not Superman...Superman has a red cape. Just sayin’.

Except he’s not criticizing the movie for being derivative in character or plot at all. He very specifically says that Lucas’ films were more VISUALLY imaginative. His whole context is that Lucas over six films (four of which have mixed reactions) all introduced new visuals, and TFA did not. Which is...just

I’d be willing to bet the charity was the Ali Forney Center, to which Bea left a considerable amount of her estate.

Sorry, I misspoke...what I mean is that they are based on the people they start out as plus whatever aging is done. In multiple versions of Captain Marvel’s comics it’s pointed out that he strongly resembles his father and that Billy will basically grow up to look like Captain Marvel when he ages naturally (eg,

In the second quarter of 2017, it is happening...again.

I’m not sure why we think Black Adam and Marvel need to be the same size. Their bodies are based on the guys they start out as. It’s not like Mary Marvel, Cap Jr. and the Lieutenants all were giant.

Crazy jumps are directly out of the original trilogy, so I find your guess that they will never reappear rather odd.

The whole concept of these Anthology films (or “Star Wars Stories”) was that they were supposed to be different in tone from the main trilogies in part so that no one would be confused that these were direct sequels and also, as Kathy Kennedy said everywhere (including the very first teasers at Star Wars Celebration

The Clintons’ incredible secrecy is almost knee-jerk and obsessive. Redacting movie screening lists? Seriously? Maybe they were just accidentally deleted....

You know a bunch of company men who are gleeful that a guy is angry about being defrauded years ago. Good for you!

It is bizarre that so many people are saying, “Thank god this is in Geoff Johns hands” when the entirety of DC’s creative direction has been in his hands for years.

I will happily pay my own money to help ensure Ludacris stops passing along his genes.

You have been condescending, adamant, and yes, insulting this entire conversation, but since I don’t usually do tone policing I just decided to speak to you at the same level. Sorry about that, it’s not my usual style.

Good to know that you apparently think the ton of writing that has been produced that agrees with everything I said was completely out of context and “wrong,” because you apparently have a crush on Joss Whedon. Not arguing this with you anymore, you’re way too invested.

Sorry, I’m a terrible, dirty, dirty, person, but the first thing I noticed looking at this was “Wow, Yellow dresses to the right, I guess.”

The thing that makes me most cynical of all about this is that Geoff Johns also wrote “Infinite Crisis,” which simultaneously criticized how grimdark everything was while doubling down on it. Then he took control of the DCU and was at least complicit in everything that’s happened in the past several years. It’s

Season 1: Buffy dies and is revived by a guy.
Season 2: Buffy is largely responsible for everything because she f**ed a guy, can’t win until Willow’s witchcraft gets involved.
Season 3: Buffy needs an army to succeed
Season 4: Buffy can’t win without her friends literally animating her.
Season 5: Buffy sacrifices herself

I love old school Star Wars sound design, but the majority of this supercut sounds like pretty basic Foley...there’s only a handful of really new or creative “Star Wars”-y things in it.