
Much like this comment.

Fuck off.

Ozil is good for 3 or 4 of these season, separated by long spells of abject anonymity.

Ehhh...I’m going with “you’re taking crazy pills.”

Just imagine what kind of season Kimi might have had if Vettel was supporting him. Phwoar.

Congrats, you completely misunderstood his comments. 👍

Such a great track.


Lmbo this is def a troll 

The white man's slap on the wrist is alive and well.

You mean at all of the tournaments that no one cares about?

Will this delay the Supra reveal from 2022 to 2023?

Nah, Rothenberg is garbage. He spends more time fighting on social media than producing any meaningful commentary on tennis.

Counterpoint: Ben Rothenberg sucks.

Not your best work.

Can't wait to see how Ferrari decide to fuck Kimi this week.

Not your best work.

Nick Kyrgios is a fucking treasure.

Kys. 💋

This comment section is cancer.