
If you read “How to Build a Car” by Adrian Newey, he talks extensively about how this is always happening, and how the interpretation of the rules is varying when the language of the rule is ambiguous. If the FIA bans it, they can’t make it stick until next season, assuming that they agree that the rule is ambiguous

*rulebooking intensifies*

In fairness two days in a U.S. hospital is also about as much as a professional race car driver can afford.

Glad he’s going to get through this, but can you imagine being a Purdue grad and not believing in the goddamn moon landing?

Are we forgetting about SCG’s Hypercar entry?

Damnit Lawrence. Syphoning off everything to promote his sons dreams. Nobody else can get coverage racing an Aston except for Lance. 

shut up

If you think you can do a better job after waking up at 2am, driving for ten hours, attending classes, then coming home and settling down with a drink on your day off to watch a race only to find out that you’re going to be up late reporting on a horrific accident, I encourage you to take my place and try your hand.

Fuck that bike is HAWT tho

Well, here in CA, the sale of “black Explorers” to the public should be illegal.

Thank you for sharing this. You’re doing the Lord’s work...

I am going to level with you.  I was EXTREMELY grateful that link didn’t link to BERNIE on a bed of cash.

An unpopular hot take: Leclerc will never win an F1 title. Fight me.

Several years ago, along with that idea of certain races being worth double points, Bernie Ecclestone posed something similar, essentially that the final race in Abu Dhabi would establish the winner by somehow multiplying the points the driver won by the number of poles he won during the season or some such bizarre

I like your idea, but allow me to add a few refinements:

Thanks to Jalopnik, I know that the windshield washers on classic Volkswagen Beetles are powered by the compressed air in the spare tire.

COTN - Comment Of The Night

It’s been over 23 years and it’s still too soon for a joke like that :(

Personally, I didn't know that the original version of eenie meenie had the n-word in it. I always heard "tiger".