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    And Teatro is easily one of his best albums by far. Original compositions + good backing band + Lanois' reverb-y production sound great.

    Considering the fanbase's devotion, I'm fairly sure we'll make a technological leap in cryonics. Scifi wins again.

    - After seeing all the zombie franchises, does anyone want to get out of here alive? I'm serious, now could you please stop screaming?

    I'm not sure what Cliffy is relying on but not really. It wasn't "the DoJ going after someone". First there was her criminal trial in which a federal grand jury found her guilty of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and two counts of making false statements to federal agents. She got a (relatively) light sentence,

    Not sure where else to post this but are any of the AV Club staff going to step up and talk about how she recently (may have) admitted to raping a guy and it got a free pass from the media?

    Cooking celebrities are ripe for the picking.

    The US is in no short supply when it comes to good comedians that can riff on each other. As for other host choices, Morgan Freeman is Hollywood's old-reliable when it comes to the trustworthy authority figure. He's funny when he wants to be. Mel Brooks is one of the last remaining grand old men of US comedy but he

    With HIGNY, I'm not sure that Americans are as comfortable with politicians being human as Britons are. Who's the American Hislop though? Jon Stewart? Andy Borowitz?

    Harsh! Haven't heard the full album so far, but Fever and Gotta Get Away are great.

    Just a heads up, Vincenzo Natali directed this ep. And Natali was storyboard artist & visual consultant for Ginger Snaps.