
I.. can assume someone’s already brought up that there’s still the upcoming Pokemon Sun & Moon, yes?

I’ve actually read an article about Seinfeld recently. (uhh... ok, here it is) Though I don’t think I’ve ever really watched the show, this was a quote that stuck out to me regarding that subject:

While I certainly imagine that anger is a trait anyone can possess, if I’m being honest, this is probably the most salty I’ve seen anyone out’ve Japan on a singular subject.

Tailor-made for its own anime episode, this one is.

You know what really grinds my gears? When the Nearby Tab doesn’t clear itself of obviously not-there-anymore Pokemon. Almost all the time. :I

Can I ask what Pokemon and CP level you’ve seen that power-up cost at? I’m early enough into the game where I don’t think I’ve seen it get that expensive yet.

Yellow Team ‘cause there’s no Green Team. *shrug*

Wait, the US got a Pokemon game before Japan? Well I’ll be...

Only one man- ..er, mouse, is suited for this case!

Boy, talk about the Holy Spirit...

Wa-hey!, that’s a big leading image! (can regular Kinjites do that too?)

Hey guys, I think I found a Dragonai-

I knew of Sesame Street doing parodies, but uh... hm!

Huh, it’s been a while since I last saw WataMote.

Meat landscapes, unbelievable.

Me? I’m most interested in what Pokemon are in my local area. Gotta think about dat tourism coin.. (“Come to XYZ Town, the only place to catch Heracross within 70 miles!”)

All those variances in quality leave more questions posed than answered...

Was almost going to mention ‘The Prince Of Egypt’, but then I remembered that was DreamWorks.