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At first, upon seeing the title, I wanted to find some Snow White Gangsta-type thing. I.. uh, am not sure if I went too far...

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Except for those air swish effects (...why? Is this Sonic The Hedgehog?), this was pretty good in my opinion!

“You know the Japanese make good products!”

*a minimum of two years from now* DoctorSue publishes an opinion piece on why DeathBlood’s 3rd quest was ingenious for it’s time.

In-case anyone had issues like I did, Australia is actually included in the English portion of the language circle above, it’s.. just kinda tiny.

...Huh, that was.. nice. Intriguing lead vocal.

...Well OK I was not expecting that to show up there, despite what I’ve seen of it before.

I like that title logo they’re using. It’s... a little understated, but still 90s/00s?

That’s a pretty rad video thumbnail, things considered.

Oh for the love of..

The hype for Metroid: Potato Mission is real. (don’t know how this Bill Trinen guy is gonna handle The Legend of Zelda: Slip of Latency on this tiny of a screen though; same for whoever’s doing Donkey Kong Country Crime)

(also wow that is a terrible pun, er, bun?) (see? terrible) XD

Isn’t that the joke about Metroid: Other M?

And here I was thinking I had forgotten about that retro game movie with Sandler in it or whatever. (did that come out already?)

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Huh. While still kinda nerve-wracking as expected (and I ain’t plannin on watching no ‘video walkthrough’, thank-you-very-much), this was an interesting read! (also, Solomon, who was both left-field and yet inexplicably hilarious, which I don’t think is the normal intention of these sorts of things?)

“People who were cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs, that’s who”? “Cats with a serious marble deficiency”? What year is this set in? Do teens, has anyone, say stuff like this? (I mean I know I probably could, but not really out-loud due to the likelihood of nobody getting it, unless I was wanting to appear obtuse)

Huh, wonder what this means for those various bundles that have you enter the redemption code into Steam yourself. Might it not work then, since you never “bought” it from Steam in the first place?

I like how there’s no pretense with the skeletons, they just up and scream at you.