In case it doesn’t come up and you just wanna hear’m:
Just found it via search before, but after some digging.. here’s where it appears to have originated from:…
*cough* (second paragraph)
That actually happened though, right? (no wait, I don’t think Ryu was in that game.. y’know, with the fighting moai statue?)
As a president, Mr. Obama has been.. interesting, concerning his interaction with the public in general. (ok I think it’s a bit odd, at least in comparison to the rest before him) (though I’m open to counter-highlights) But would that be more on him, or more on the times we find ourselves? If the latter, will this…
I noticed, and... well, it caught my interest, to say the least. *cough*
The fact you have an open world to explore speckled with valuables to loot, travel in a customizable/upgradable mobile weapon, and can *ahem* “reappropriate” supplies from roaming sources, gave me strong vibes of Assasssin’s Creed IV. (and Rouge I guess, but I’ve not actually played it)
That stonk though.
My mind went to that “Once Upon A Monster” game as I read this. Does.. that mean something?