
Barefoot running is a massive fad, and barefoot shoes have never been shown to increase running times while they have been shown to increase injuries.

Monday sucks. It always sucks. So here are some animated GIFs to help get your through the morning.

Kilart is a South Korean artist working in the video game business. If you've played one of Applibot's mobile card

Is anyone else totally into Outlander? It's a bit sappy, but it also has time travel, and historical accuracy, and beautiful women and men, and great writing and cinematography and music (by Battlestar Galactica composer Bear McCreary!). Watch the new trailer here.

Edge of Tomorrow was one of my favorite sci-fi/action flicks of the year. Just seeing Tom Cruise do self-deprecating was worth it, but it took a pretty novel concept (with some borrowing from Groundhog Day and other flicks) and made a really refreshing shoot-em-up.

So are we going to start seeing a logo on games that says " Better withOUT Kinect"?