
The rumour is that Apollo will be the NT-based implementation of Windows Phone (As opposed to Windows Embedded 6/7 that it is based on right now). Many were under the assumption that Apollo would come after Mango, but the possibility of a intermediate update is definitely intriguing ... and given Skype is now

As a current WP7 owner, this post made me happy. :)

There will always be a way to hack any form of identification, no matter how secure. ... That is until we get our hands on true Quantum cryptography...

Not sure how well traditional RTS would work with this, but you definitely got the right idea with the MMO, it would finally be tolerable to play a full-fledged MMO on a console ...

What if the glass shatters in space? :O

This new interface is really more like a layer. I just hope Microsoft doesn't make it exclusive to OEMs to use only on their devices, and anyone who purchases a copy of Windows 8 would be able to activate this. And really, this is a far better alternative to any tablet interface out there. At the end of the day, if

Unfortunately, it is not that easy. The conditions are for physical, to-be-released devices, not half-ass prototypes...

That is such a great argument ...

The screen is 1280X800 ... That is 16:10 not 16:9 ...

Actually, it is widely used in Canada as well... It is just the Americans that are either still stuck on AIM, or have moved on to Skype.

You forget...some universities has infinite budget ... :P

And Burk Khalifa is HALF the size of this thing...

Which decade did you come from? We stopped called Microsoft using M$ a while ago...

@SBP1: What are you smoking? It is a CIVIL lawsuit, and he is NOT on trial. Sony still has to prove he SHOULD be on trial in California.

@bleekeh: Time to get that Adblock installed mate...