
Well, even though this is limited to bash...at least most of these will work in PowerShell 2 on Windows.

Jousting in the sky? Nah...Only in Anime...

"down in Naples, they fire guns with live ammunition to ring in the new year"

Isn't there ENOUGH people that have talked about this OVER and OVER and OVER again? OK ... I get it. Great. Now I want an article about how Napster changed the Music scene forever...

I remember when I first moved to Canada, I was without Internet for 2 weeks, and there was this project due for school...Oh God, and I plunged for the AOL CD I had found in the lobby of my apartment. It was useful for the two weeks I used it before cancelling the trial. I think I did that at least 3 times during that

Amazing! Now even T-1000 can't smuggle something on a plane...


There is a Gizmodo France?

@Mutant: WP7 has the cleanest, most mainstream and innovative UI released in 2010.

Combine BB OS 6 with a QNX-based underlying, and add a bit of TAT, and you've got the perfect soup for getting back in the Mobile Platform game. Now, if only they could release a high-end device before March. A Battle Royale is coming in the Mobile world, and we are going to be amidst it all...this is just a

Real Men aren't affected by trash-talk...