
Well, if a bacteria can have Arsenic instead of Phosphorous, what's stopping other organisms from using Silicon instead of Carbon? ( I know the limitations, I am just making a blind assumption, I mean they thought Arsenic was impossible too, and it is a metalloid like Silicon )

I highly doubt any of the new features, or even most of the existing Unreal Engine 3 features can be properly handled by the Xbox360 or PS3 to their full potential, which is why PC Gaming shall never die...

I find it quite fascinating that people are so quick to believe ANYTHING fed to them by blogs or news outlets, or in this case, a two paragraph article on The Sun...which is just a small step up from gossip tabloids...

There is but one word for the video: Wow!

Vote: Namecheap.com

Looks like a Giant Kinect...

Loving the way these reviews are formatted. And that article OP picture is just awesome...

Not trying to defend Apple here, as I usually toast them, but some of the major problems with performance on iPhone 3G hardware (and the iPod touch 2G) was due to the compiler. The 3GS and iPhone 4 both run on Cortex A8, which is running ARM v7, while the 3G was running on ARM v6 as far as I can recall, so the initial

Wow, totally agree with the winner...

@timestep: Parody = Protected Free Speech

Notice how no one touches Microsoft, Oracle, and Kodak?