
I shall wait for a proper jailbreak first...

Kill Yellow Pages, AND White Pages from this world...

They are remaking just about any movie from the 70s and 80s...this MUST be on some producer's mind...

So now, instead of Google having our data, the National Security has our data. Great.

Wow, this 2D glasses tip is really interesting.

Obviously it won't replace your $200 compact shooter, and certainly not my DSLR. However, it would come in handy for a photo in a cafe, or even taking a video of a man getting tasered to death in an airport.

You can NEVER have unbiased polls on Gizmodo. Still, 3D is quite pathetic as it stands right now. Until there are improvements to the technology, and it becomes cheaper, there won't be huge markets for it. However, I believe IF there is a chance for 3D to be a success, Gaming will be its turf, not bluray movies.

I thought the North Koreans already had this...

What about those toasters and coffee makers? I need my coffee in the morning with some WebOS inside...

Come on, even youtube removed its stars and added a like and dislike button...Zuckerberg, you are too slow...

Wow, an hour of this must equal like 5 hours of actual running...

Cannot wait for 3DS XL...I mean, I want one that looks like the Kotaku concept...