
Welcome to Canada...

Sorry, but I just don't like this article...Just my Opinion.

I guess Sony's 10year plan for PS3 needs to come to an EARLY end...

Damnit Giz...

Wow...sad. Just sad.

Just 5 bucks a month afterwards? Wow, this is cheap...but I have a bad feeling that this service is going to turn out like poorly made Korean MMOs with microtransactions and mediocre performance.

Those puns, Giz, are either genius...or extremely horrible.

Well, NOW it looks like a PC.

In the past 7 years, I have tried to switch to OpenOffice at least three times, and have never been able to stand it longer than three months. Office just works, and doesn't annoy the hell out of me. With the exception of public library computers, every other computer lab, from schools and universities to workplaces,

VOTE: Blogger

Disclaimer is hilarious.

The male to female ratio is incorrect...

Dance Dance Revolution just got...REVOLUTIONIZED. XD

Microsoft ... is creepy. Call the FBI...

3D already works on Crysis with NVIDIA 3D ... So, nothing new here folks...