
Didn’t she have a friend punch her in the face to try and frame Depp for it? isn’t there also audio out there of her taunting him about how nobody will believe him because he is a man? those don’t sound like the actions and words of someone who is not an abuser...

Well as has been pointed out, Vader has a flair for the petty and dramatic. It’s possible he isn’t done playing with his food yet. He wants to defeat Obi-Wan in the most satisfying and humiliating (for Obi) way. His most recent fight, if people’s reactions weren’t indicator enough, was unsatisfying. So he probably let

it also seems like Disney is fine with it.”

Except its sub hd which looks terrible nowadays. And this is coming from someone who still hasn’t made the jump to 4k. 

would be cool if they’d release the ruby/sapphire/emerald version of this. Those were my favorite in terms of sound design of the pokemon games up to that point or since.

Heck he’s of intermediate skill by the end of the first game at best. I wouldn’t mind picking up where we left off. Cal couldn’t even stand up to Vader at his current level and Luke was at least able to hold his ground at the end of empire strikes back, so that shows Cal still has a ways to go. No power wipe necessary

probably however long it takes till you can walk into any old store without any planning or stock tracking and buy a ps5 any given day of the week. most people still dont have one or a way to get one.

pretty sure Luke has never been ripped to shreds like bacta tank dude. also wrong point in time. luke is still a kid at this point.

Not enough swagger to land him a spot on the smash bros roster. Cry me a river Waluigi simps!

nah, the reason I added the step was because it would be poetic justice. EA has done the same thing to so many others. I would love very much to see them get a taste of their own medicine.

if the world was just, they would get acquired, then shut down and ip sold off.

in the game he also never removes any behavior inhibiting implants. this is clearly not the same master chief and some pretty big liberties have been taken. accept that it’s a different continuity where characters act different than the source material.

these things would probably tear before you could get it off in one piece.