They both bought property on White Feminist Island and don’t check their mail very often.
They both bought property on White Feminist Island and don’t check their mail very often.
Clearly he is holding out for the Nobel Prize for Choreography.
Just curious, if Dylan never accepts the prize, what happens to the prize money? I have some student loans and I was just wondering if there was an online form I could fill out,maybe.
Sorry, when you use Daddy’s money and influence to build your brand, you don’t get to claim independence when people realize he’s a monster. Can’t have it both ways.
“knock knock”
She doesn’t want to be there. She didn’t marry a disgusting bloated billionaire for this shit, she just wanted the yacht and penthouse and to fuck the pool boy when Trump was off sexually assaulting other women.
Not defending the abuse but Catholic Charities is second only to the states at providing social services to the needy. Foster care, mental health, special needs education, adoption services, etc.
I just want to talk about Maria Bartiromo’s gloves.
Oh come on. I’m a former Catholic and now atheist, and I’m disgusted by allegations of abuse. But religious groups, especially Catholic ones, contribute substantial amounts to charities and non profits and that money can keep an organization and thus its clients afloat. Signed, a social services worker primarily…
The left always has better jokes and joke writers because they punch up, whereas republicans find humor(?) in doing the opposite. And that line about “Governor Cuomo and Mayors Bloomberg, Dinkins, many honorable elected officials here with us tonight...and then there’s Rudy Giuliani...” Nice.
I found myself fondly reminiscing the days when tying your dog in its crate to the roof of your car was an authentic election season scandal. Life was simpler then.
Just like at the debate, Donald started off appropriately enough and then absolutely cratered. In a room that should have been more friendly to Trump than most (a bunch of mostly monied conservative religious folks), he couldn’t but help but say something totally inappropriate and nasty about Hillary Clinton, and the…